Last week we were joined by Veterinary Surgeon Wenche Mokkelgard from Holmedal in Norway. It was a warm week with temperatures in the mid twenties, around 10 oC higher than in Norway at present. She received an equally warm welcome at the clinic in Bucharest where the course was held.
Our emphasis this week was canine ovariohysterectomy as this is the area Wenche felt she could improve her skills the most. Dr Aurelian Stefan found to his delight Wenche already had a sound basis in surgical skills and set to work developing and expanding her abilities. She got to grips with some new suture techniques that will help her sleep at night as she now can be confident her ligatures and sutures are safe and secure. She mastered the skill of handling stainless steel sutures, which is not easy. This is a strong, non reactive suture that will never fail if your technique is correct.
The week contained some tough surgeries from deep chested dogs to pregnant females but our attendee took it all in her stride and was a seasoned pro by the end of the week, able to remove any uterus put in front of her with skill and efficiency. The deep chested and lactating females were perfect candidates for Wenche to learn a flank approach to ovariohysterectomy in the dog. She learnt when to use this approach and why in some dogs it can be considered preferable to a midline incision.
The easiest incision of the week! |
As life is always full of surprises it is important to know what to do with a bleeding patient as this is a serious complication and potentially fatal even if you are aware of the problem as soon as it happens. Most newly qualified (and some more experienced vets) if they are honest fear this situation which is why at the
Veterinary Training Camp we prepare you for this emergency so you clearly know what to do if you encounter a haemorrhage in the future.
We are confident if Wenche does come across a haemhorrage in her surgical career she will be having a stiff drink afterwards to celebrate a successful outcome not to get over the stress of the life or death situation!
Overall it was an intensive week but very satisfying to see someone develop their surgical confidence. Wenche worked extremely hard and the results show. Everyone at the clinic found her a delight to work with and we wish her all the best as she pursues her veterinary career.